Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Diabetes- in a lay man view

Just like every other organ in the body has its own work,  Pancreas duty is to maintain the energy supplied to the organs. 

We may compare this with the work of an inverter. An Inverter basically monitors the voltage of electricity and supply of power when there is no electricity. When there is high voltage, it cuts the power and supplies electricity through the battery and when there is no electricity, it again supplies through battery. there by, it monitors the voltage and power remains constant always.
Likewise, When we consume food,  energy produced and pancreas converts the energy as glucose and stores it as fat and when required it releases a harmone called  insulin so that the glucose mixes with blood and is supplied to other organs. 

When inverter fails, the high voltage damages the electrical appliances, and when there is no power, electrical appliances do not work. Just this way, when pancreas fail, glucose directly mixes with the blood. when we consume food, there will be high level of glucose in blood and when we don't no energy to the body. This stage is called Diabetes. 

Diamedica can help one live a normal life by strengthening, revitalizing and rejuvenating the vital body organs. don't let the diabetes let you down

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